Just add 15 greeting cards to your basket and automatically get 40% off the total price of the cards. Offer is automatically applied to cart and can not be used with other offers.We have a beautiful collection of greeting cards, made right here in the UK in small batches. Perfect for those Birthdays, Anniversaries or even a blank card just to say hi. All of our cards start off as a painting which then get's turned into a lovely greeting card design. Our designs are then printed onto smooth 300 gsm thick card and then paired with a lovely colour coordinating envelope. None of our greeting cards come in plastic packaging so you can shop safely knowing we care about the world too.
Are you ready?
Valentine's Day is just around the corner
Shop our full Making Meadows collection of Valentine's Day Cards. Perfect for those loved up people who make you feel just a little queasy.
Why not spread a little love this Valentine's Day with our unique, hand painted greeting cards, designed and manufactured in the UK, as eco consciously as we can.
40% off your greeting cards?
Do you fancy
Just add 15 greeting cards to your basket to automatically get 40% off the total price of the cards!
A great way to save money and getting organised! Purchase a bundle of greeting cards for your draw and never be caught out again by a last minute occasion.
Offer is automatically applied to your shopping cart and can not be used with any other offer.